Ways to take care of feet



Supportive insoles – foot insoles, insoles for flat feet

Check out your feet! Do they have a natural arch or is it flat feet? This can lead to strained muscles and ligaments and eventually foot pain and pain in the hips and knees. Flat feet can be caused by different causes. But the condition is treatable by providing arch support for flat feet with supportive German insoles.

Flat Feet – The causes

It can be a hereditary condition. At times, injuries, diseases, and other health problems can also lead to fallen arches and flat feet. A foot or ankle injury, Arthritis, Cerebral palsy, as well as diabetes and obesity can lead to flat feet.


Many people with flat feet or low arches may never feel discomfort or pain and can go on with their every-day lives normally. But, for others, flat feet can cause major problems like more pain and worse symptoms for the other foot. Leg conditions like shin splints, plantar fasciitis, hammertoe, and bunions can also occur.

How can supportive Insoles be used to relieve flat Feet Pain?

When you walk or run, Flat feet can cause misalignment to your body. Orthotic insoles can’t fix flat feet as such, but they can relieve the pain and discomfort you feel by realigning your body a bit. Let’s check out how insoles and other orthotic products do this:

Cushioning effect

Support insoles provide maximum cushioning for people who have major discomfort from flat feet. With more cushioning effect and specific arch support design, insoles for the feet can add a new level of stability and comfort for you.

The Right Support

Orthotic Supportive Insoles give full contact foot arch support and have a deep heel cradle for maximum stability and motion control, as well as a metatarsal support feature to protect the ball of the foot.

 Maximum Support at the Arch

In worst cases of flat feet, arch boosters can provide extreme arch support and extra cushioning to enhance the relief insoles provide. Latex foam pads placed directly under the arch and ideally used alongside insoles.

To help relieve pain from flat feet and provide arch support, explore our line of supportive insoles.