Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty surgery


Are you worried of your belly fat? Worried of your shape? Then Tummy tuck is a good choice, especially for women. Many women who have had one or more deliveries feel unhappy because of the loss of their pre-pregnancy shape. Though a wonderful experience, pregnancy adversely affects skin elasticity and muscle tone and causes stretch marks. A tummy tuck would correct sagging skin and tighten the stretched areas, thereby restoring the patient’s body shape.

Tummy tuck

The tummy tuck is an ideal solution for stubborn surplus fat that is unresponsive to exercise and a controlled diet. The doctors’ name for tummy tuck is abdominoplasty surgery. Tummy tucks are meant to take fat from your stomach and also take the flabby skin from around your abdomen. Your stomach muscles will also be tightened and this may make them stronger. The tummy tuck should not be considered as a procedure for losing weight. Candidates for the treatment are either already in their normal weight or quite close to it.

A tummy tuck can be done under local anesthesia or a general anesthesia, but most people opt for a general anesthesia for this procedure. It involves an incision from one hip to the other. A second incision will then be made to remove your navel. A final step in the tummy tuck procedure is to remove the skin and fat from the wall of your abdomen and tighten the muscles there. Afterwards the skin is stretched over the abdomen again and any excess is removed as you are stitched up again. A drainage tube will be inserted to aid the draining away of fluids from the wound and this will be removed after a few days when everything is drained.

Endoscopic tummy tuck

An endoscopic tummy tuck is the same operation which is carried out in a slightly different procedure, which needs a much smaller abdominal incision. Here a camera and tools are inserted through the small incision to drain the fat. One problem with this method of carrying out a tummy tuck is that it does not allow for the muscles to be tightened, nor the excess skin to b e removed. It is purely a method of fat removal.

Either of these methods of performing a tummy tuck will leave you sore and swollen for a few days, but you should be given painkillers. You can also find yourself numb in that area for as long as six months, but you can help yourself recover more quickly by doing a few light exercises.

All these sound great but it should also be telling you that tummy tuck is major surgery. Further, it is important that the patient discusses not just the advantages and cost but also the side effects and risks of the procedure with the concerned practitioner before deciding to go for it. It’s a big deal and not something you can take lightly or agree to without a lot of thought. You need to think seriously about the advantages and disadvantages of a tummy tuck.


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