Coffee and Health.


Some people awaken, the first thing they grab is a hot cup of coffee. Personally I’m a fan of coffee and prefer to spend time in coffee bars with my friends. coffee has many benefits for our health and well being.

Caffeine Protects Brain.

Coffee may cut the risk of dementia by blocking the damage cholesterol can inflict on the body, research suggests. Coffee may have an antioxidant effect on the bloodstream by reducing vascular risk factors for dementia. Further, people who drank regular caffeinated coffee, were reported to have 30 percent lower risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease.

Dr Jonathan Geiger (University of North Dakota) says, “Caffeine is a safe and readily available drug and its ability to stabilize the blood brain barrier means it could have an important part to play in therapies against neurological disorders”

Coffee Help You Get in Shape.

In a study recently released, researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens found that the amount of caffeine in two cups of coffee cut exercise-induced muscle pain in half. Caffeine boost short-term metabolic activity to burn an additional 100 calories a day. It helps Weight control.

Coffee Aid Mental Health.

A team of Swedish and Danish researchers observed a group of 1,409 middle-aged men and women for a period of 21 years. Those who reported drinking three to five cups of coffee per day were 65% less likely to have developed dementia than those who reported drinking two cups or less. Other health factors like high blood pressure, cholesterol and socioeconomics were controlled in the study.

Coffee Helps Prevent Cancers.

Coffee is linked to lower rates of liver , mouth and gullet cancer. In a recent study conducted by the Moffitt Cancer Center in Florida , consuming three cups of coffee a day was found to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women under the age of 50 by 37 percent. The researchers concluded that coffee consumption was associated with a low risk of mouth and gullet cancers, even in the high-risk group.

Coffee Help Reduce Risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Coffee drinkers have a substantially lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people who abstain from the beverage, a new study shows. Chlorogenic acid is a major component of coffee that may provide more of an explanation for coffee’s effect on risk for type 2 diabetes.

For Pregnant Women.

Drinking more than two cups of coffee or three to four cups of tea could prove to be harmful, as it increases the risk of miscarriage by 25 percent. Coffee consumption can lead to iron deficiency anemia in mothers and infants. Coffee also interferes with the absorption of supplemental iron,and coffee causes staining of the teeth.


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