


brain-storming.JPG is a sincere and bold attempt to help our fellow men to decide , shape and develop their career. You may doubt about the need and scope of such an attempt, as there are many opportunities. But in our opinion though there are many, compared to the requirements it’s nothing.

Goals of BinBrain

career designing

In the modern age the opportunities open to a person is simply unlimited.   But the need is to decide  or to   select an area.  For example   let  us  look at some very common  career opportunities.  Advertising ,Hotel Management,  Agriculture, Interior Designing &Decoration, Anthropology,  Journalism, Archaeology , Law & Civil Services,  Architecture, Library Science and Information,  Systems, Beautician, Management, Pilot, Merchant Navy, Designing & Art Performing Arts, Engineering Photography, Finance & Accountancy, Public Relations, Foreign  Languages  Travel & Tourism etc. Our goal is to help you to pick an area and to shape and develop your career.

Personality Development

We also help you build a strong personality. Five dimensions are involved in forming the human personality. These are :

1) physical self, 2) energy self, 3) intellectual self, 4) mental self, and 5) blissful self. Well-integrated personality is the sum total of harmonious expression of these five dimensions.

Physical self relates to our senses. Proper nourishment and growth of physical faculties is essential by way of balanced diet, recreation, music, and care and concern from near and dear ones. A simple pat on the back for any achievement in life goes a long way to build up confidence.

Energy self is somewhat subtler than the first. It relates to metabolism and the gross manifestations of energy (Prana), for insatnce the act of breathing. The control of Prana is achieved by control of anger, anxiety, and restlessness.

Intellectual self concerns with discriminative power and knowledge, what we call “buddhi”. In addition to sincere and formal studies, reading other books like biographies of great and noble persons and invigorating literature helps us develop this faculty.

Mental self is related to stress and psychology. Here selflessness, control, concentration, and calmness of mind plays essential role.

Blissful self is the function of state of being. It calls for remaining calm and unaffected, nay to remain happy, in all the frivolities of world, in neck break competition and struggle, in calamities and disasters, in suffering and loss, in failure and success.

The five fold method to attain to such state of heightened perfection and purity are a) self-effort, b) self-control, c) self-reliance, d) self-sacrifice, and e) self-knowledge. Next, a practical program is needed to make this ‘intellectual gymnastic’ real in our lives. The simple action plan, to start with, consists of daily physical exercise for ten minutes, reading good literature for half an hour, sincere prayers for two to five minutes, and meditation and yoga for about ten minutes.


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