a musical treat


is a medicine, can cure you. Music is heavenly, can bless you. Music is like a winter, can blossom you. And can give you happiness, make you lighter, can inspire you, and fill you with energy and… and….. I can write pages with like comments when think about music. I don’t usually have a habit of listening albums or music compositions. But if a composition really catches me, like to hear it again and again and it gives me some kind of positive inspiration and happiness.

It’s strange that I’m not a fan of great singers or music legends in the world, though  never dislike them. But some compositions really beat me with their beauty, and ‘Toss The Feathers’ is like one. It’s actually an old version of music. But I really like it and a great fan. To me something seems ‘best’ when it pull  someone or something towards them, by the qualities they have, especially positive and admirable ones. Hope you too will like it. If you feel its love comment me back, ….. want to hear,….. what you think of it. Bye…..


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